Privacy Statement

0) General Remarks

We follow general privacy regulations especially the EU and German privacy laws General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG) and Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz (DDG).

For questions regarding processing or usage of your data, please contact Frank Hissen.

1) Personal Data

Personal Data is all data and information which allows to identify you personally.

2) Person in charge

The person in charge for processing data in terms of the GDPR is Frank Hißen, Europa-Allee 14, 64625 Bensheim, Hessen, Germany, Tel. +4962519708441, e-mail

3) Technical Data

When visiting our website, our hosting provider logs connection data like IP address (pseudonymized), date/time, Browser-Header, URLs etc. This log data is only kept for a limited time. Further analysis of this data - except for statistics - is not performed.

3a) Cookies

Our website does not use any cookies. We link to external services like Paypal, GitHub, Google App Engine etc. in certain parts of our website. These open in separate tabs or windows. Thus, you are leaving our website at this point and have to take care of the privacy regulations of those websites.

4) Service Data

Personal data which is created by contacting us (also through third party services) is solely used for the correspondence with you. Data provided by you is always treated confidential and will not be passed to others.

5) User Rights

The GDPR allows for disclosure inquiries of processing personal data. You also have the right to know which data is collected, the reason of the data process, removal and revocation of data and data processing as well as transferring the collected data to you in a common technical format. Please contact the previously mentioned person in charge.

Furthermore, you have the right of appeal at a regulating authority.

6) Right of Revocation

You have the right to revoke the permission of processing your personal data. You data will then be removed if legal storage periods do not require the data storage. If so, you would be informed immediately. Please note that by removing your data, we cannot contact you anymore.

7) Storing Period

Personal data is only stored as long as according to legal storage periods. After the corresponding period the data will be deleted.

8) Third party services / External services we use

We use GitHub for hosting some files in our software section and Google's App Engine for the anonymous commenting feature throughout the site. Please checkout the privacy terms of GitHub and Google's App Engine.

Social media services are only embedded via static links. That means, only by clicking on the corresponding links you are connected to external social media services not by solely visiting our site.