Application Security: Consulting and Development

We provide consultancy to attack scenarios and security measures in application development regarding, e.g., your own product or existing applications and systems.

Application Security
Secure Development
OWASP   ISO27001
Web & Desktop

Together with you we develop tailor-made security concepts and architectures. We support your software development process regarding security aspects. Moreover, security tests (concomitant, after launch, process-triggered) and incident handling are part of our portfolio. We also define security acceptance criteria for your software supplier.

Web Application Security

In the area of web applications - this includes cloud applications as well as Software-as-a-Service/SaaS, we have a long-term experience in security consulting. Besides the conception of secure system architectures, we include in our services the specific attack vectors and security measures for web applications, for instance countermeasures against typical attacks like cross-site-scripting (XSS) or SQL code injection.

We follow common, open standards like the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Top Ten Project, the Web Application Security Consortium Threat Classification and the Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual OSSTMM.

Also check out our Training Offers.

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