PDF Invoice and Document Creation from CSV/XLS and HTML Templates

"HissenIT InvoiceCreator" is a Windows Application that easily creates PDF documents from tabular information read from a CSV or Excel file. The design of the PDF file is defined through HTML/CSS templates. Different templates for different use cases or different languages can be used simultaneously.
The variables in the HTML template correspond with the column names in the file and can be extended freely. Tables (e.g., article lists) are generated through repeating columns within one line of the table. The freeware version ships with example templates for the HTML design and corresponding CSV/XLS files. These templates are free to use.
- Create PDFs for invoices, delivery notes or other arbitrary documents based on tabular information
- A merged PDF with all single PDFs is also created for easy printing
- The number of copies can be defined in the import file for an easy single print process
- Different HTML/CSS templates (use cases, languages, ...) can be used simultaneously
- The selected template can be defined in the import file
- Use the single PDFs for auto-mailing or just for the record
- Contact us, if you use a different CSV format. Maybe a free of charge integration is possible. Currently supported formats:
- eBay Sold Listings Report files (*.csv)
- Paypal Reports (TAB/*.csv)
- Contact us for using the solution with databases, services or provided as a web service
PDF Creation and Work flow Options
At the end of the creation work flow, a local folder is created with each invoice PDF using the invoice number as filename (e.g., for mailing or record) but also a giant, merged PDF containing all invoices / delivery notes for easy bulk printing.
If you create CSV exports from your database or other systems already, you are ready to go! By the way: CSV files can be easily opened, created and exported from Excel or using OpenOffice/LibreOffice!
If you need an auto-mailer or an integrated database or web service version, feel free to contact us!
Main Window and Work flow
In the following, you can see the work flow of the software using the CSV file format (similar using Excel files). The software package includes demo files and free-to-use HTML templates which you can also use as a basis for your own templates and corporate design.

Resulting Files

Multi-language PDF Invoices/Documents

Excel/XLS/XLSX, offline PDF Document Creation, CSV, Invoices, Delivery Note, Generation, Creation, Customizing, Merging, e-Commerce, Logistics, Online Shopping, Online business, Database, Data Import/Export, Web Service, eBay2PDF, Paypal2PDF