HissenIT Desktop-ParcelConnector for DHL CSV/XLS Upload - Licensing

You receive your license within 24 hours through e-Mail. The license code is inserted through copy & paste easily in the settings, that's it!

Important Information for Single Payments and Licensing in general:

Single Payment licenses will receive free updates for minor version changes, e.g. bugfixes. New features will be published in major releases only! Subscription customers always have the opportunity to update to the newest version. (API changes on DHL-side will only be provided through major releases.)
For single payment licenses, we offer upgrades (processing fee 19EUR incl. VAT) to higher versions. Please contact us through e-mail and provide your current license code. Subscription customers are able to cancel their subscription (Paypal account) and subscribe to a higher version on their own easily.

The Support included in your license covers all questions about the software itself. DHL processes (e.g., account creation, problems etc.) are NOT part of the free support! Extended, individual support is possible, however. Please contact us via e-mail for your request. If you have questions or problems with DHL itself, we suggest to contact your DHL business customer support partner.

Single Payment

Please note the information above!

Mini Midi Large
Transactions per file 10 25 100
Transactions per Day 25 75 250
E-Mail Support
Tel. Support
Installations 1 2 2
Once (incl. VAT) 105.00 EUR 214.00 EUR 535.00 EUR
Buy Buy Buy

Monthly Subscription

Subscription Plans:

Mini Midi Large Enterprise
Transactions per file 10 25 100 unlimited
Transactions per Day 25 75 250 unlimited
E-Mail Support
Tel. Support
Installations 1 2 2 unlimited
Cancel monthly
Price monthly (incl. VAT) 5.95 EUR 11.90 EUR 29.75 EUR
Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe Please contact us
for an individual offer!

Payment Methods

We use Paypal as main payment method. However, also without Paypal account you are able to pay through, e.g., credit card using the buttons above!

Other Payment Methods

Please contact us if you prefer other payment methods.


For questions, problems or suggestions just contact us directly.

You may also suggest new features! Requests for custom-development services are also possible, we assess your request shortly.

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