CSV Upload for DHL international Parcel and Shipping Products - simple Windows Software

HissenIT DHL ParcelConnector per CSV File
Demo Harmonised Label Parcel shipping
Demo Harmonised Label  Customs

If you do not want or require a custom-made interface to your online shop or your ERP system but provide order data as CSV or Excel files, you can use the desktop software "ParcelConnector". With an easy format of combined address and customs data for each shipment in a single row of the CSV file, you are ready to connect to the DHL backend and automate buying harmonized shipping labels.


In brief: DHL shipping products (parcels, goods, German and international), label purchase as PDF download including customs declaration (CN22, CN23), automatic collection regarding label type, shipment number mapping, cancellation, notification and insurance feature etc.

At the end of the ordering work flow, a local folder is created with each label PDF but also a giant, merged PDF containing all labels as well as a CSV / XLSX report file.

Since version 1.7 an additional tabular customs declarations format is supported (Sample file: PaketConnector_CustomsTable.xlsx) and using the folder "label2invoice", every single shipping label including customs declarations is stored using the according invoice number - in case invoice numbers are used:

These can be used for easy archiving (e.g., for tax audits) or for using automated printing solutions.

By the way: CSV files can be easily opened, created and exported from Excel or using OpenOffice/LibreOffice! With update v1.6 *.xls/*.xlsx files are supported directly!
Also, an individual database connection to your system(s) can be achieved.

In the following, you can see samples of the required CSV / XLS file format as well as the resulting CSV / XLS that is written during the purchase:

You can check out and validate the software using the free demo version. You only require a business account of the DHL portal.

Contact us if you use one of the following shop systems or others. We also check your eBay, Amazon & Co account if the required CSV export can be created.

After successfully purchasing shipping labels, the barcodes (or tracking codes) are written back to the CSV / XLS file, so an automated further processing is possible!

Supported Label Formats

For an overview of supported label formats (e.g., 910-300-400, 910-300-700) with sample PDFs take a look at this ZIP archive collection.

Work flow:

*** English Screenshots ***

Main window and flow

DHL CSV Upload - PDF Label download
DHL CSV Upload - PDF Label download
DHL CSV Upload - PDF Label download

CSV including status information after second cancellation attempt (labels already cancelled)

DHL CSV-Upload - Cancellation successful

*** German Screenshots ***


DHL CSV Upload - Settings

Main window

DHL CSV Upload -

Prepared CSV File with Customs Declaration per Item

DHL CSV Upload -

Reading the CSV

DHL CSV Upload -

Purchasing Process

DHL CSV Upload -

Purchase and Download finished - Main window

DHL CSV Upload -

Collected/Merged Label PDFs

DHL CSV Upload - Merged Label PDFs

Shipment numbers in CSV

DHL CSV Upload - Shipment numbers


DHL CSV Upload - License

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DHL/Post, CSV Upload Import Export, Download PDF, Labels, International Parcels, XLS/XLSX/Excel2DHL, Packages, Packets, Dispatch of goods, German Warenpost, Deutsche Post DHL Group, Deutsche Post, Excel Import, Upload, Harmonised Labels, Harmonized Labels, Logistics, Online Shopping, Online business, E-commerce, Returns, WaPoI, WaPoI EU, Customs Declaration, CN22, CN23, International Shipping, DHL Easylog, eBay Import, Shopping, e-Commerce, Logistics, Data Import, Data Export, Data Exchange, Automated, Automation, Database connection, Access, XML, JSON, Windows, Server, Software